how to play pickleball

Pickleball Rules 101: A Quick Dive Into The Basics

Pickleball Rules 101: A Quick Dive Into The Basics - KTCHN Pickleball Backpacks

Pickleball, one of America's fastest-growing sports, is loved for its simplicity, inclusivity, and competitive spirit. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie just trying to get a grasp of the game's intricacies, a quick refresher on the basic rules is always handy. This post provides a concise overview. Note, however, this is a summary. The complete official rules can be found at the USA Pickleball website, and they should always be the ultimate reference in case of any discrepancies.

Doubles vs. Singles:

  • The majority of players opt for doubles, but singles games are equally as thrilling.
  • Whether it's doubles or singles, the playing area size and rules remain the same.

Mastering the Serve:

  • The server's motion should be an upward arc, and the paddle must contact the ball below the waist.
  • The paddle head shouldn't be higher than the wrist when making contact with the ball.
  • The newly introduced 'drop serve' omits the above stipulations.
  • At serve time, the server's feet shouldn't touch the court or extend beyond the sideline or centerline.
  • Servers alternate as points are scored. If a fault occurs, the next partner serves.
  • The initial serve of a game is unique, with only one partner serving before the opposition gets their turn.

Scoring Points:

  • Only the serving team has the chance to score.
  • Standard games are up to 11 points, but one must win by a 2-point margin.
  • Some tournaments feature games up to 15 or even 21 points, but the 2-point margin rule still stands.
  • Your position - left or right court - depends on the serving team's score. Even numbers on the right; odd numbers on the left.

The Two-Bounce Rule:

  • Both teams must let the ball bounce once before hitting it back. Hence, two bounces in total.
  • After this, volleying is permitted.

Navigating the Non-Volley Zone:

  • Also affectionately called "the kitchen," this is a 7-foot zone on both net sides.
  • Players cannot volley within this area.
  • Any momentum taking you into the kitchen after a volley is a fault.
  • You can, however, be in the kitchen if you aren't volleying.

Line Calls:

  • If the ball touches any line (except during a serve on the non-volley zone line), it's deemed "in".
  • A serve that contacts the non-volley zone line is a fault.


  • Faults are actions that stop play due to a rule violation.
  • Faults can occur for numerous reasons, from serves not landing within the right boundaries, balls volleyed prematurely, to even clothing touching the net.

Starting the Game:

  • Choose any method that seems fair to decide who serves or receives first, like a coin flip.

To delve deeper into pickleball's rules, enhance your skills, or even to join the USA Pickleball family, make your way to

In conclusion, while pickleball might seem complex at first glance, its rules are quite straightforward. This guide offers a brief overview, but immersing yourself in the game is the best way to get the hang of it. Happy playing!

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